Week Beginning 26th March 2012

19 March 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts


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Moon for May 2012

18 March 2012 | Daily Moon Sign Positions


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Moon for April 2012

18 March 2012 | Daily Moon Sign Positions


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Moon for March 2012

18 March 2012 | Daily Moon Sign Positions


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About the Moon

18 March 2012 | Moon Sign Meanings

The Sun takes 30 days to move through one Zodiac Sign and 12 months to move through the entire Zodiac of 12 Signs, creating our birthday as well as the Sun Sign we know ourselves to be, based on our birthday.  This aspect of our Horoscopes can be known so easily (except for those born on the cusp or changeover from one Zodiac Sign to another) because of the Sun being in the same part of the Zodiac at the same time of the year.  This is the only planet in our Solar System operating in this way.

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12 Moon Sign Meanings

17 March 2012 | Moon Sign Meanings

Moon Sign Meanings gives an explanation of how the Moon reflects the characteristics of the Zodiac Sign it is passing through on a 2 to 3 day cycle each month.  This is projected in an over-arching manner on everybody - it very much influences of overall mood of the day.

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Week Beginning 19th March 2012

12 March 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

The New Moon occurs in your sign this week creating the opportunity for establishing new beginnings with anything on a personal level or involving you.  There will be something about the past that either comes into it or needs to be sorted out before you can move forward freely.  Pay careful attention to all matters.

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Week Beginning 12th March 2012

12 March 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Pay careful attention, as something will not continue in the way it has been initially set up.  You will need to rethink matters for some reason.  This will likely involve money or income, as well as someone else.  You can benefit, but only through being prepared to go over all the details that have something to do with the past.

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