The Weekly Horoscopes written by Anne-Elisabeth talk about the events each of the 12 Zodiac Star Signs or Sun Signs can expect to experience.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR ARIES:(Born between 21st March & 20th April)
You need to rethink your commitments in some way, especially if you feel your independence is being threatened. It could also be that you have to learn to find more innovative ways to apply pressure to those who seem to be avoiding issues that need to be dealt with. You can succeed – it will just take work and effort.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR TAURUS:(Born between 21st April & 20th May)
It might seem that it’s all about what someone else wants to enjoy. Much depends on whether you allow yourself to come under their influence. Though you may not be able to turn things around quickly, you should look into and learn their ways. It is more about removing yourself – it won’t be so much fun without you around.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR GEMINI: (Born between 21st May & 20th June)
The need to reconsider certain pressures in light of important priorities can arise. Something has endings attached to it – be sure this is what you want. Maintaining harmony with relationships in all situations, including family will take a bit of work. You may have been unrealistic about the amount of detail you need to deal with.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR CANCER:(Born between 21st June & 22nd July)
You need to be inventive when it seems something is repeating itself in your interactions with others. This may not be the same people or person but a very similar dominant pattern from the past. It is important to keep a conversation going. This will allow you to gather details that will helpful in finding a solution.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR LEO: (Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)
You are in a good position to reconsider something you want to learn more detail about or to get better at the finer points. This might mean embracing more up to date technology or a more proficient approach. There can be much pleasure and enjoyment gained from developing greater understanding. It can be powerful.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR VIRGO: (Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)
Much pleasure can come from involvement with home and family matters. You might also come to a realisation that you have been attempting to do too much at once. Any displeasure you might sense from someone else could be more in your own mind that theirs. Do what makes you happy and things will work out fine.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR LIBRA: (Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)
You will get greatest pleasure in finding some quiet time to yourself so that you can weigh up your ideas. If you need to gather information, you will find yourself tuning into the right situation rather amazingly. If you instead respond to what someone else thinks is the way things should be organised, you could be very disappointed.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR SCORPIO: (Born between 23rd October & 21st November)
Your priorities could be at odds with either risks you would like to take or pleasures you would rather pursue. When it comes to spending money you need to be practical and keep a limit on things. Something will have to be accounted for, so it would be wise for you to ensure you get the right information as well as details.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR SAGITTARIUS: (Born between 22nd November & 21st December)
This week is your final opportunity to take a balanced approach to commitments you now realise will be part of your life this year. If you have any uncertainty, scale things down, not up. Finances might have something to do with it. There could more efficient ways of spending money and still gaining a good result in the end.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR CAPRICORN: (Born between 22nd December & 19th January)
There is no reason for anything to defeat you right now. You will be extremely determined of mind and this will enable you to correct situations from the past or to deal with the present with greater mental confidence. You might feel challenged to get on with things your way but once you move ahead, you will wonder why you worried.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR AQUARIUS: (Born between 20th January & 18th February)
It might be necessary to express you own priorities to draw out what somebody else has been expecting from you. There are ideas you need to keep to yourself for now but you can begin to get a clearer picture of information that needs to be gathered. It might also be that you need to reflect upon the way you can put ideas forward.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR PISCES: (Born between 19th February & 20th March)
Confidence when it comes to future opportunities should be boosted this week. You need to ensure you are being realistic. If somebody else tries to point out obligations that would be attached, it would pay to listen. There is no lacking of support from people who could be in a powerful position to help you out.