Forecast Week Beginning 23rd September 2013

16 September 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April)

Putting effort into enjoying yourself could create some tension with somebody else.  The way to avoid this is to ensure there is a constructive element to what you are doing or that you will achieve something practical.  It might be as simple as giving them the feeling that you are willing to involve them rather than just pleasing yourself.

TAURUS:  (Born between 21st April & 20th May) 

The opportunity to test your ideas with someone else could arise.  It would be best to do this in small stages, paying attention to the response you are getting.  If it involves things you have participated in together in the past or ideas you have shared you will have a better chance of success.  They could be demanding though.

GEMINI:  (Born between 21st May & 20th June)

Overindulgence could be hard to control – this is more likely to be connected to food.  You could also be tempted to overspend in any area and will need to be careful that this will not affect what you require for routine commitments.  You could also feel it is time you changed a habit.  Keep mentally focussed on this.

CANCER:  (Born between 21st June & 22nd July)

You will enjoy any social situations that involve you with people where you share something in common.  This is more likely to have practical undertones.  There can be a sense of wanting to do things your own way, while at the same time there will be a lack of clarity about how this could be achieved in the long term.  Take one step at a time.

LEO:  (Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)

You could intend to do a lot and feel very energetic about it but when it comes to the point more pleasurable activities could distract you or you could simply find you prefer restful pursuits.  You will fare better in situations where you have made a commitment, especially if it involves family.  This will ensure your involvement.

VIRGO:  (Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)

Someone else could prove confusing and this could be telling you to let it go rather than trying to sort something out.  There is much to enjoy with people that you know you have something in common with – this is where you should put your attention.  You might also be interested in taking up a learning course.  Go for it.

LIBRA:  (Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)

You can begin to feel more confident about things you have been thinking about since early September, though moving onto the next stage may not be as straight-forward as you would like.  You can enjoy increased responsibilities as long as they won’t interfere with daily routine too much, so be on the alert for this possibility.

SCORPIO:  (Born between 23rd October & 21st November)

You will thoroughly enjoy involvement with others that is connected to delving into the unknown or seeking to gain greater knowledge in some way.  Having this common thread can provide you with a strong bond that will stay in place long term, even if there is not regular contact.  Find a balance with any recent obligations.

SAGITTARIUS:  (Born between 22nd November & 21st December)

There is a lot going on behind the scenes and this will make it difficult to realise the true state of affairs.  This does not mean things will be unpleasant even though you can be put under pressure.  You will not know the true intentions of others so your best mode of action is to let matters surface of their own accord and then decide.

CAPRICORN:  (Born between 22nd December & 19th January)

Anything that involves you with a group of people can be most enjoyable.  If you meet new people you will find you have something in common.  Be aware of jealousy from some quarters.  This could surface as annoyance or a desire to control you in some way.  Looking at priorities based on what pleases you is also likely.

AQUARIUS:  (Born between 20th January & 18th February)

Only take on obligations or responsibilities that are connected to commitments that you see as a necessary part of your life.  A dominant attitude from someone else is not reason enough for you to follow through when it comes to their desires.  You can handle a huge amount on a daily basis as long as you enjoy what you are doing.

PISCES:  (Born between 19th February & 20th March)

To be able to turn future goals into reality you need to concentrate on all the small steps that will need to be taken.  It is not enough just to have the vision – it has to be turned into what needs to be done on a regular daily basis.  This will not appeal to you but if you are willing to handle it this way your progress will increase greatly.