Tarot Consultations

TAROT tends to be very event orientated. It shows your present situation in life and how you are meant to move into your future. It will bring up other people as well as yourself. Tarot can show how another person thinks, will react etc., if this has some bearing on your life. This can be people you know and also people who are yet to come into your life.

Tarot shows quite definitely day to day things like the purchase or sale of real estate, travel, job change etc.

You can ask specific questions of the Tarot. It can show whether there will be no change to present conditions, the types of changes that will occur and the choices available in the present and future that can modify the outcome.

I do look at your personal planet cycles in conjunction with the Tarot to see the timing of events. This is not the same as having a Personal Horoscope drawn up though.

With the actual calculation of your Horoscope, many other phases and cycles can be seen. The ultimate reading to have done is a Combination Tarot/Astrology. This combines the event orientated information of The Tarot with the precision and accuracy of the planetary cycles in definitely specified areas of your life. Information on these can be found on the Astrology Sheet.

If it is not possible to visit my office, these same consultations can be done by telephone, Zoom or Skype and charged to Visa or Mastercard. You can also pre-pay by direct debit or through utilising Paypal on my website.

A Personal Consultation at my office can be arranged by telephoning 08 8342 2884 to make an appointment or email me wisdoms@anne-elisabeth.com.au

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