Virgo is the 6th Sign of the Zodiac. Virgo stands back and analyses. In any new or strange situation, they will be taking note of all sorts of details surrounding them. It is not just the big things they notice, it is also the small and obscure.
Virgo puts the jigsaw puzzle of life together. They gather the detail and determine exactly what pattern is being formed.
Virgo are worriers. They worry about what “might go wrong” long before it happens. Unfortunately this can hamper their progress. It can also be instrumental in producing exactly what they are worried about. Better to turn their attention to a more positive expectation, however difficult this is to manage.
Virgo is very germ conscious. To give a few examples. They will not eat food from a place that seems unhygienic or if the people serving don’t seem clean. They dislike public toilets, even any friend’s toilet that may not be clean. They will disinfect the washing machines at a laundromat before using them. They definitely wash their hands before eating. Virgo would be the biggest buyers of mouthwash, soap and disinfectants.
Virgo is the sign to be of service. For this reason, they are more than willing to help out. They have to be careful they do not end up a slave to everybody else’s needs.
Virgo is extremely neat and tidy with things that are important to them. Sometimes this can be all that they do but most times it is only with meaningful things. They can be extremely untidy in areas that don’t matter. Nevertheless, Virgo generally has a place for everything and will get very annoyed at those who do not put things back in their place.
Virgo will have quirky little habit patterns. Sloppy habits of others will stimulate plenty of nagging from Virgo.
Virgo rules the upper abdominal region, the small intestine, the upper part of the large intestine, the pancreas and spleen. Having personal planets or the ascendant in Virgo will stimulate sensitivity, even health problems to these body areas.
If the Sun is in Virgo: Will have to learn to patiently take one step at a time without being able to clearly see the outcome. It will be by analysing the past and present patterns that future directions will become more obvious, even predictable. Dealing with detail is an absolute necessity even if it is not desirable. This is how skills will be developed. There is a driving force to research to gain self-improvement. It is also others who often benefit as a result. Have a desire to be of service in some way, which involves caring for the needs of others.
If the Moon is in Virgo: A natural born worrier particularly if things seem less than perfect. There is an innate understanding that everything in existence falls into a perfect pattern. There is a place for everything and everything in its place. Even if it looks untidy to others, the location is known, particularly with things that are important. Excellent skills when it comes to detail or doing a job properly. Have no desire at all to leave loose ends. There is generally a focus on health and taking care of the body. Can tend towards hypochondria at times. Fussy.
If Mercury is in Virgo: produces a very analytical mind. Wants to know the ins and outs of everything. Can be inclined to get too bogged down with detail. Will keep perfect records. Extremely suited to research. Can lack confidence.
If Venus is in Virgo: will generally be practical with money but can also be carefree at times. Rather shy in relationships. Very aware about sexually transmitted diseases. An aggravating habit pattern will put them right off a person. Will be attracted to people who have Virgo traits.
If Mars is in Virgo: will attempt to cover every angle before any action is taken. Will not hesitate in giving a helping hand. Will be extremely conscious that regular exercise is beneficial to one’s health. Highly skilled in structuring fine details.
If the Ascendant is in Virgo: You have no desire to be the centre of attention, which can be interpreted as detached. You prefer the role of observer rather than participator. You try to see where you can fit in and are of most use in any situation in a helping hand role or a working cog in the whole process.