Mercury rules 2 Zodiac Signs. They are Gemini and Virgo.
The cycle of Mercury through the whole 12 Zodiac Signs is a year. Mercury is not always in exactly the same position at the same time of the year, as The Sun is, because it goes in a retrograde (or backward) motion, 3 times a year for 3 weeks at a time.
Mercury is never very far away from the Sun. It will often be in the same Zodiac Sign as the Sun. Mercury can also be one Zodiac Sign before the Sun Sign or one Zodiac Sign after the Sun Sign. This will depend upon the influence of its retrograde cycles.
To use an example of the Sun Sign being Aries, it is possible for Mercury to be in Aries as well. Mercury could also be in the sign before the Aries Sun Sign, which is Pisces, or the sign after Aries, which is Taurus.
The natural order of the Zodiac Signs does not ever change. They are:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces.
Mercury influences the way a person thinks and how they go about making decisions. Mercury shows how a person makes choices in their life. Even when people are not inclined to make choices this is still making a choice in a roundabout sort of a way.
The Zodiac Sign of Mercury will show how the person communicates and the sort of things, which will be of interest to their mind. It also shows one’s manner of concentration.
If Mercury is the same as the Sun Sign, then the person will think along those lines and it will, of course, make it easier for them to develop the qualities of the Sun Sign. If, however, Mercury is different to the Sun Sign this will be one reason why that person may not seem like their Sun Sign at all.
As mentioned earlier, Mercury spends 3 weeks, 3 times a year in retrograde motion. Because Mercury is the planet of communication, these are times when communication can break down. Most strikes occur in these periods. Matters which have been brewing and a conclusion has not been reached will come to a head. If something is on the verge of breaking down or is wearing out, this is when it will choose to do so. Things are easily forgotten or mixed up.
This is an excellent period for finding things, which have been lost in the past. Also to be paid money owing from the past. It is wonderful for contemplating matters and eventually coming up with ideas or answers not previously considered. Something not understood in the past can suddenly make sense. Past mistakes will be uncovered as well.
The next 3 Mercury Retrograde periods are:
Naturally there are some people born while Mercury is retrograde. They think differently to most. They often do things backwards and frequently transpose letters and numbers. They will often take longer to first talk, especially boys. They have an uncanny ability to know what other people are thinking and to know what other people are going to say.