Neptune is the modern ruler the Zodiac Sign of Pisces.
Neptune has a cycle of 165 years through the whole 12 Zodiac Signs. This means Neptune cannot complete a cycle around any person’s Horoscope in their lifetime, so it has a limited range of influence. Neptune spends 14 years in each Zodiac Sign and for this reason Neptune tends to have influence over an era.
Neptune is the planet that brings a person’s greatest wishes and hopes to fruition but in order for this to happen one has to have come to a point where they have coped in a positive manner with the cycles of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.
What this means is that the person has reached a point where they utilise the growth and development aspect of Jupiter for improvement. If Jupiter happens to be developing something, which is going out of control in a big way, they recognise this and take steps to correct it. The person must have also become comfortable with the level of commitment and responsibility they are happy to accept in life, through Saturn’s influence. This does not mean simply taking on all obligations expected of them. It can often represent learning to be responsible for their own needs, which frequently means not allowing oneself to get bogged down through taking care of everybody else’s needs. This leads one to the Uranus stage where they are neither worried nor influenced by the opinions of others when something has become an important aspect of their life. They will pursue it, regardless.
When a person has conquered these three phases associated with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, there will be a strong sense of knowing themselves. It will be easy for them to recognise what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. This final stage of this 3-phase development is generally established between the ages of 40 and 45 yrs. It certainly does not occur before 40 yrs and can begin to take place at any time after 45 yrs. Some people live their whole life without evolving to this stage. When this is the case, the person is influenced by all sorts of doubts and insecurities. This is how Neptune affects them. The person who has progressed through these phases will utilise the energy of Neptune to turn their dreams into reality.
The position Neptune has in a person’s Horoscope will indicate areas of personal insecurities and doubts, which will affect them particularly in the earlier part of their life. It is what one needs to work beyond up to the age of 45 years.
Neptune is the planet associated with clairvoyance. Neptune gives a very strong sense of knowing exactly the direction events will take in the future. Everybody has clairvoyant ability in varying degrees. Neptune’s position in a Horoscope shows the areas in life to which this clairvoyant ability is applied by the individual. With proper development, this area becomes one of great wisdom and foresight.
All forms of addiction are associated with Neptune. When a person is addicted they have certainly not worked their way through the 3-phase development of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. They have personal fears and insecurities to overcome.
Neptune is also the planet of imagination and creativity. All people have this quality in varying degrees as well. All people create the circumstances of their life through their imagination. Every person’s dreams are turned into reality through their imagination. For a dream to come true is must first be imagined!