Pluto is the modern ruler of the Zodiac Sign of Scorpio.
Pluto has a cycle of 248 years through the whole 12 Zodiac Signs. This means Pluto cannot complete a cycle around any person’s Horoscope in their lifetime, so it has a limited range of influence. Whatever this influence might be though, it is one of great intensity.
Pluto rules birth and death. Not only in the literal sense as the physical birth of a living creature which inevitably progresses towards its physical death but the birth and death of absolutely everything that exists. Our own lives are only one aspect of birth and death. Whatever exists in the entire universe goes through the cycle of birth and death on a continuous basis. This is not only tangible things but also the intangible, like thoughts and feelings.
Within our own bodies our cells are going through the birth and death process, the whole time, during our entire life. Old cells die and are replaced by new ones. Our cells are impregnated with our thought processes and as we begin to think differently the newly created cells are filled with this attitude. This is why people “feel different” when they have a change of attitude. All our body cells are never replaced at the one time, it is a gradual process and this is why change takes a while. Even when a sudden change takes place in life, there is still an adjustment period, while new cells are being created and are absorbing the different level of mental acceptance.
When we have a new thought or reach a point of understanding something differently, this the “birth” of a new perception automatically means the “death” of the old perception or what was previously thought or understood to be the case. The same goes for our feelings. Once we feel differently about something or someone, incorporated in that process is a leaving of something behind.
Whatever “dies” or is left behind can never return into life as it was because the new process becomes incorporated into it. So even if a person returns to something which was part of the past, it cannot ever be the same as it was in the past because the person themselves, are no longer the same. A transformation has taken place.
This is what Pluto is all about, definite change and transformation. This is part of progress. Not that progress always feels good. However, it is inevitable. Often one will feel “forced” to accept change, through the influence of Pluto. There is an ultimate purpose. Eventually this purpose becomes evident, combined with a sense that a force much greater than oneself has had its say. This is Pluto.
Wherever Pluto is positioned in the birth-chart, it shows what that person will seek to control and where they will have an extremely deep sense of purpose. Pluto brings strong desire and intensity. Whenever people display this sort of behaviour in certain areas of their life, they are utilising Pluto.
Pluto has an investigating quality. It is associated with getting to the bottom of things, the real truth of the matter. The whole process from beginning to end can eventually be understood through the influence of Pluto. It has persistence, which at times seems more aggravating than helpful but its strong sense of purpose will surely and most certainly get something moving because there is no such thing as standing still or staying the same. Life is continual change. Ensured by Pluto.