The Sun is the ruling planet of the Zodiac Sign of Leo.
The cycle of The Sun through the whole 12 Zodiac Signs is one year. The Sun returns to the same position it had when a person was born on their birthday each year. This is how one’s birthday is established.
When people refer to their “Star Sign”, as being for instance Aries or Taurus or Gemini or Cancer etc., they are actually referring to the Zodiac Sign the Sun was moving through in the heavens, when they were born.
Below are listed the periods when The Sun is moving through each Zodiac Sign. The change-over dates from one sign to another is called “the cusp”. People born around this time may not know which sign is their Sun Sign.
The dates given below are the most common change-over dates, however, The Sun does not conveniently make these changes at exactly the same time each year. For one who is born on the cusp, their sign can definitely be established by an Astrologer, particularly if the time of birth is known, although it is not always necessary to have this information.
The Sun Sign represents the characteristics a person is meant to develop and utilise in this life-time. This is not automatically the way a person is, as many people believe. This is a misinterpretation.
It is what one has to learn. For a person to experience ultimate happiness they must develop the qualities of this Zodiac Sign. Look to the explanations of the Zodiac Signs to see just what are these qualities.