Uranus is the modern ruler of the Zodiac Sign of Aquarius.
The cycle of Uranus through all 12 Zodiac Signs is 84 years. Only a person who reaches 84 years or more will experience Uranus completing a full cycle of their Horoscope by returning to the position it held at their birth. Uranus spends 7 years in each Zodiac Sign, so it is another planet which influences life with 7 year cycles.
Uranus stimulates definite change to circumstances and situations in life that have become extremely routine, even stuck in rut. It is a planet, which brings surprises. It will have a way of creating the unbelievable. Sometimes a person is really happy about this but sometimes it has quite the opposite effect. Nevertheless it is something that is and will no longer be as it was and it is best the person comes to terms with it. If a person is not happy about the changes and chooses not to come to terms with it, they then create a lot of frustration, even bitterness in their own life. It is not Uranus creating this result, it is the individual because, in their own mind, they decide to live in the past and not accept the changes of the present.
It is a planet of individuality and independence with a singular purpose. There is always this quality associated with the changes, stimulated by Uranus. It will stir a desire within a person to consider their priorities in life. If the person initiates the changes for themselves, it is because they consider it to have become a priority, to be of prime importance. If a person experiences sudden change in their life as a result of somebody else’s decisions, then that person is placed in a position where their focus needs to become individual. There is really no choice. They have to adopt an independent attitude, which is really establishing their own priorities, if they are to cope.
The most common period for this type of experience in life is around 40 years of age. This is when Uranus has reached the halfway point of its entire cycle and is directly opposite to the position it had when the person was born. This is commonly called “The Mid-Life Crisis Cycle”. This type of rebellion can also occur when Uranus connects to any Personal Planets in the Horoscope at any stage of life. The timing of this is entirely personal, based on the day the person was born. An Astrologer can accurately predict at what age this will occur.
It is a time where people suddenly do things, which seem so “out of character”. It is really not as sudden as it seems though. When a person does this it means they have been disgruntled for quite some time but have continued on in whatever has become a “normal” pattern. Now they feel they must make the changes or live with it for the rest of their lives. They are no longer influenced or terribly worried by what other people may think. This type of situation is a crisis to the people who have been attached, even reliant upon this person. This will have very little influence upon the person because their need is to free themselves up and they will not let anything stand in the way. These changes are generally to personal relationships or the way in which they have earned their income.
It does not mean that everybody goes through disruption when they turn 40. If a person has been quite content with their progress in life, it is a time where some exciting new opportunities suddenly present themselves. One develops a definite sense of “knowing” what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in their life. A person will have no qualms in rebelling against anything unacceptable to them.