Forecast Week Beginning 9th June 2014

2 June 2014

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) You need to stand up for yourself if you believe undue pressure is being placed upon you.  This does not have to turn into a fight.  All you need to do is point out what you...

Forecast Week Beginning 2nd June 2014

26 May 2014

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) You will be set out to use any excuse to find distractions to avoid pressure being placed on you to accept certain obligations.  This will likely have some connection to family but it might also remind...

Forecast Week Beginning 26th May 2014

19 May 2014

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) Whatever you have been thinking about in the last 2 weeks could now result in a new idea that you know can help you move forward.  Someone else with more experience might be willing to guide...

Forecast Week Beginning 19th May 2014

12 May 2014

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) There can be a turning point with regard to someone else.  You may discover that both of you have felt under the influence of the other.  They may be prepared to be more generous than you...

Forecast Week Beginning 12th May 2014

5 May 2014

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) You will be attracted to the unusual as a means of enjoying yourself.  You could feel this is necessary to break any heavy burden of responsibility you have been feeling.  You cannot fully escape the sense...

Moon for July 2014

4 May 2014

Daily Moon Signs Time Used is Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) To convert to local time at any other location can be done on many sites on the Internet.  One I find easy to use is  – Any time over 12 hours –...

Moon for June 2014

4 May 2014

Daily Moon Signs Time Used is Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) To convert to local time at any other location can be done on many sites on the Internet.  One I find easy to use is  – Any time over 12 hours –...

Forecast Week Beginning 5th May 2014

28 April 2014

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) Venus, the planet of peace, balance and harmony has moved into your sign where it will remain until the 29th May.  You will probably spend some money on yourself – even change your look in some...

Forecast Week Beginning 28th April 2014

21 April 2014

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) If you have been intending to take a more practical approach to your finances, now is the time to head in that direction.  These need to be your decisions and not what others expect, or your...

Forecast Week Beginning 21st April 2014

14 April 2014

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) You could feel history is repeating itself in some way when it comes to a position you find yourself in related to the expectations others have.  The difference now is that you have developed a strong...