Emailed or Typed Astrology Consultations

Emailed or Typed Astrology Consultations

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The question can be emailed, posted or asked over the phone.  A Horoscope for the question is set up according to the moment I either hear the question or read it.  The Horoscope contains the answer and all aspects in connection to the question, but that question only.

This is very specific. It does not cover matters outside the question.

For example:

Will I marry so and so;  What are their true feelings towards me;

Should I leave or stay;  Will they fulfil their promise to me;

Should I buy that property;  Should I change jobs;  Will I get the job;

Can I win;  Is the investment stable;  Will (whatever situation) be of benefit


There are 3 styles of answers you can be given:

The yes or no outcome with minor detail.  This can be emailed or answered over the phone.  Although the answer may seem short and sweet, the fee is necessary to cover the time setting up the Horoscope and giving it the consideration necessary. ($70)

Not typed but answered over the phone (including all details)($100)

A detailed typed analysis (which can be emailed) ($160)

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