Weekly Horoscopes by Anne-Elisabeth discuss what each of the 12 Zodiac Star Signs or Sun Signs can expect in life. This is generated the the interactions of the planets as they travel through the Zodiac Constellations in the heavens.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR ARIES: (Born between 21st March & 20th April)
Any secrets that might be unearthed would not be such a bad thing. It can allow you to enjoy life more. The same could be said of any situation you feel you have been controlled by – get rid of it. The cycle that could have had you continuously comparing one thing to another since April is over. You can now settle down.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR TAURUS: (Born between 21st April & 20th May)
Something could begin to turn around for the better. There could be greater promise in the future than you had initially anticipated as long ago as 2 years. You still need to keep working behind the scenes in some way but should not lose sight of whatever it is you want to put in place. Finances will be less up and down now.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR GEMINI: (Born between 21st May & 20th June)
Venus has moved out of your sign after having been there for an especially long time since early April. Life may seem rather dull in comparison but it is time for you to take a considered approach to finances to early September. All sorts of opinions can come your way but you need to look into information that suits your priorities.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR CANCER: (Born between 21st June & 22nd July)
Venus, the planet of balance and harmony has moved into your sign where it will remain until 6th September, generating more settled feelings, even relationships. There has been too much going on behind the scenes since early April creating situations that were not clear. Pursue others if you need them to produce results.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR LEO: (Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)
Anything that needs to be streamlined or cleaned up in some way cannot be left any longer or it will interfere with daily needs and anything you want to get on with. Any distractions since April can calm down now, giving you more time for consideration. The future won’t be the same and you need to get prepared.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR VIRGO: (Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)
You should take time up to early September to calmly consider your options when it comes to priorities in life. There will be those who support and encourage you and yet others who can put all sorts of pressures upon you. Don’t feel compelled to rush anything – the more time you take for gathering details the happier you will be.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR LIBRA: (Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)
Any situation that has been going on since early April of not knowing exactly the direction the future will take has now ceased. It will be more a matter of weighing up obligations you are willing to accept to early September. This may not suit the expectations of somebody else but you need to stand firm with your priorities.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR SCORPIO: (Born between 23rd October & 21st November)
A challenging situation can arise because somebody else is inflexible when it comes to a commitment. The problem could be that they are expecting you to deal with the details or become enslaved to the work involved. You need to work out whether this is a position you want to accept. It will be up to you to generate a discussion.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR SAGITTARIUS: (Born between 22nd November & 21st December)
Feverish activity involving others that could have been the case since early April, will now calm down. This could give you a greater sense of peace even though they may become secretive. You have plenty to focus on when it comes to future directions you want to pursue. This can include being determined to cut back on spending.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR CAPRICORN: (Born between 22nd December & 19th January)
Greater social interaction can begin to take place from now to early September. Relationships have the opportunity to be most pleasant. Focus on what you need or want to put in place, which can include getting rid of things that are no longer necessary. Someone might have to accept there a certain things you won’t change.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR AQUARIUS: (Born between 20th January & 18th February)
Someone who expects things to be done their way might be surprised with your lack of agreement if this will interfere with what you are comfortable with or what you want to put in place. You might even surprise yourself with your determination. It would be premature to attempt to establish new directions before next year.
WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR PISCES: (Born between 19th February & 20th March)
Many pleasant days with greater enjoyment can be the case until early September. This will be a welcome change to the changeability that has been at the basis of your life since early April. You could see a way of creating greater efficiency with your spending. There is probably something that has served its purpose. Let it go.