Weekly Horoscopes from 12th February 2024

5 February 2024 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Weekly Horoscopes by Anne-Elisabeth discuss what each of the 12 Zodiac Star Signs or Sun Signs can expect in life.  This is generated by the interactions of the planets as they travel through the Zodiac Signs in the heavens.


Weekly Horoscope for Aries: 

(Born between 21st March & 20th April)

After the pressure you have likely experienced since the year began, you are now moving into a period to 23rd March where you can work out what needs to become your main priority in life.  You could make decisions this week you had not planned but suddenly realise are necessary, based on what you don’t want to do anymore.


Weekly Horoscope for Taurus: 

(Born between 21st April & 20th May) 

New responsibilities could come your way which might be something you have been aiming for in a work situation but this could also take place on a personal level.  There could be a lot more to this than is initially presented.  Be mindful of what you are prepared to take on from now to late March, so to avoid getting bogged down.


 Weekly Horoscope for Gemini:

(Born between 21st May & 20th June)

Pressure from the expectations of somebody else that has been upon since the year began will be released, giving you a sense of freedom.  This can open up all sorts of new possibilities where the future is concerned, which can include looking at possibilities you could only dream about before.  Focus on this to late March.


Weekly Horoscope for Cancer:

(Born between 21st June & 22nd July)

Any challenges you may have had to deal with from somebody else since the beginning of the year may now become less obvious to 23rd March.  Their determination to either do things or have things their way won’t waver.  They could just be less open.  You will have support elsewhere but keep your wits about you.


Weekly Horoscope for Leo: 

(Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)

New directions can take shape in your life when it comes to other people, either those you know or somebody new.  They will be determined when it comes to their own agenda and you need to be careful about the level of commitment or responsibility you take on.  Those in business could be very busy to late March.


Weekly Horoscope for Virgo: 

(Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)

More pleasurable activities or a desire to relax since the year began will wind up now.  Something may have changed as well when it comes to future goals which will now require some proper focus to get organised up to late March.  This could also bring changes to your usual routines, which might take a while to get used to.


Weekly Horoscope for Libra: 

(Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)

Be satisfied with whatever you have managed to organise and put in place since the year began.  It is time to relax and involve yourself in some pleasurable activities up to 23rd March.  The way somebody else deals with their life might be a good example to follow, especially if you realise you have become too serious of late.


Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio:

(Born between 23rd October & 21st November)

From now to 23rd March you could become more certain about what needs to be put in place for ongoing security when it comes to any changes that could have taken place since mid October.  This could involve home and family but also any other area of life that is important to you.  Focus on this step involving the next 2 years.


Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius:

(Born between 22nd November & 21st December)

There can be a lot to think or communicate about from now to late March which could stem from new information coming your way right now.  Be mindful of what you can reasonably manage because something small asked of you could turn out to have a lot more work attached than is obvious.  Be across the detail – ask questions.


Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn:

(Born between 22nd December & 19th January) 

Your finances come under focus to late March.  This would be a good time to make any adjustments to loans but be mindful of not committing yourself to anything that could become difficult to manage later.  This could also be favourable for getting a job, changing jobs or receiving an increase in pay.  Don’t be tempted to waste it though.


Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius:

(Born between 20th January & 18th February)

With Mars entering your sign until 23rd March you will begin a new 2 year cycle but this one is like no other you have experienced so far in life.  The New Moon has also just taken place in your sign, so it is all about new beginnings.  For some this may mean beginning to alter your attitude to things that can’t be changed, which oddly enough could make you feel a new person.


Weekly Horoscope for Pisces: 

(Born between 19th February & 20th March)

You will need a lot of patience to 23rd March, especially with any situations that seem out of your control.  More information might be needed so that you can eventually move forward without hindrance.  A possible new direction may begin to develop but exactly how that will play out could take a month to fully emerge.