Weekly Horoscopes from 15th July 2024

8 July 2024 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Weekly Horoscopes by Anne-Elisabeth discuss what each of the 12 Zodiac Star Signs or Sun Signs can expect in life.  This is generated by the interaction of the planets as they travel through the Zodiac Signs in the heavens.


Weekly Horoscope for Aries: 

(Born between 21st March & 20th April)

Any sudden moves involving finances needs to be towards endings that would then allow you to put a more comforting foundation in place that could put doubts and worries behind you.  The opinion of somebody else could be helpful in that they better understand the information that doesn’t really interest you.  Be sensible.


Weekly Horoscope for Taurus: 

(Born between 21st April & 20th May) 

Something on a personal level could take a surprising turn for the better, making you realise that what you might have had to say in the past has been taken into account more than you presumed.  The important thing is not to compromise when it comes to your own essential priorities.  It is the only way you can move forward.


Weekly Horoscope for Gemini:  

(Born between 21st May & 20th June)

Underlying frustration or impatience could tempt you to push something when the time is not yet right.  Either discussions or the level of information required have not yet reached a stage of proper clarity.  You can be tempted to take a risk anyway and this could work to a certain extent but biding your time for now is much better.


Weekly Horoscope for Cancer:

(Born between 21st June & 22nd July)

Support from friends or from a group of people on either a personal or work level could be quite a surprise to you.  They could be more interested than you presumed when it comes to your view of the long term and perhaps what is possible to develop.  There can be those who would bring you down but you should be able to work out who they might be.


Weekly Horoscope for Leo: 

(Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)

If you want to change any commitments with somebody else you could discover that it will not go down well at all.  This might surprise you if you have been generous in the past but rather than confront this it would be better to withdraw from too much conversation.  Make it known this will be definite and continue down that path.


Weekly Horoscope for Virgo: 

(Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)

You could realise a better way to pursue things in the future which might include better use of technology that is now available.  There can be those who are in favour and those who are not.  In the end it has to be up to what is important to you.  There is no need to rush any decisions.  You can contemplate matters for a while yet.


Weekly Horoscope for Libra: 

(Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)

You will not lack confidence when it comes to expressing what you think is important, especially if you find yourself dealing unexpectedly with someone whose intentions seem rather impulsive.  It will be easy for you to recognise the amount of work involved, especially if it will fall on you to be handling the details.  Think about yourself.


Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio:

(Born between 23rd October & 21st November)

Someone else could be surprising, even unpredictable.  This is more likely to be in relation to endings rather than new beginnings.  It may make you realise that what you expected has not been entirely realistic.  You need to put your mind to the commitments you have in your own life and what you can control in your own way.


Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius:

(Born between 22nd November & 21st December)

Knowing exactly where you stand with somebody else can be difficult especially if they do something you didn’t see coming.  The main thing is that you don’t make yourself too available to their needs.  You are better putting your energies into sorting a regular routine that will enable you to keep things on track in your own life.


Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn:

(Born between 22nd December & 19th January) 

Some unexpected pleasures could come your way involving other people and perhaps of a social nature.  It might be a juggle to fit this around daily matters that you need to deal with that are likely not insubstantial.  It is worth making the effort for these more light hearted opportunities.  This will prove to be a welcome break.


Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius:

(Born between 20th January & 18th February)

This is a good time to put final touches onto anything you have been working on restructuring since early June.  Much has been reliant on you maintaining your level of determination.  Someone else could share your vision of what is important to accomplish in the long term.  You can realise that normal routines may need to alter as a result.


Weekly Horoscope for Pisces: 

(Born between 19th February & 20th March)

Alternative information or ideas that are out of the ordinary could help you achieve something that is important to you more on the level of winding things up.  This does not mean you can escape a certain level of personal responsibility and any regular work or routine that goes with it.  The main thing is to enjoy what you either do or need to do.