Weekly Horoscopes from 19th July 2021

12 July 2021 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts


Weekly Horoscopes by Anne-Elisabeth discuss what each of the 12 Zodiac Star Signs or Sun Signs can expect in life.  This is generated by the interactions of planets as they travel through the Zodiac Signs in the heavens.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR ARIES: (Born between 21st March & 20th April)

Plans you had put in place could be disrupted by unforseen circumstances. This may force you to consider other ways or opportunities that will allow you to cut back on some of the expense. Someone else could decide it is time to move on from any situation that has been primarily social because it is time to become more serious.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR TAURUS: (Born between 21st April & 20th May)

You can come up with some inventive ideas or solutions to any problems you may have been trying to sort out. This could involve analysing your level of responsibility and whether you think this is what you really want. Any risks you feel you want to take from now to mid August need to have a practical undertone.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR GEMINI: (Born between 21st May & 20th June)       

Taking it easy will be difficult as frustrations can arise when it comes to obligations. This can involve finances – it is no time to take any risks and hope for the better. You may not like to look of the level of responsibility that could be attached to situations you want to develop in the future. It might be time to trim down plans.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR CANCER: (Born between 21st June & 22nd July)

You could begin to see your future from a different perspective and this could be because you can see how something you have always wanted but perhaps thought impossible, could be accomplished. It can be a matter of altering your priorities and not attempting to get too much done at once. Take one step at a time in your mind.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR LEO: (Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)

It is better to handle things for yourself – greater clarity can begin to emerge. You need to work out where you have support and where you don’t. This will require you to pay close attention in relation to any discussions and then go away and think about it. That way you will become aware of those that won’t fit in with your wishes

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR VIRGO: (Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)    

Venus, the planet of peace, balance and harmony moves into your sign where it will remain until 16th August. This can immediately make you aware of any areas where too much is expected of you, or what may become too much to handle in the future. It will be up to you to lower the level. You may not be listened to, so persist.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR LIBRA: (Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)

Take action on the initial steps necessary to bring an end to certain obligations and put a different structure in place. This could involve home or family matters. It will take consistent effort to mid August to alter any routines that seem to have established themselves that have become too much. You need to be authoritative.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR SCORPIO: (Born between 23rd October & 21st November)    

The ideas someone else has for the long term could seem appealing but this could be unrealistic when it comes to commitments you have to meet. You also need to pay attention to obligations that could be tied into something that seems more free and easy or pleasure based. It is better to narrow down what needs to take priority.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR SAGITTARIUS: (Born between 22nd November & 21st December)

Don’t be tempted to increase your commitments – you need to go the other way to mid August. Someone else can be full of ideas that will put more pressure on you rather than on them. They certainly have faith in your ability to create the structure and to put the details in place but this is no reason to wear yourself out.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR CAPRICORN: (Born between 22nd December & 19th January)  

You are in a good position, from now to mid August, to make future plans with a sense of peace about what is realistic and manageable. This may encourage you to immediately drop some ideas you have been considering. Your ability to tune into what someone else is really looking for puts you in a good position to ask the right questions.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR AQUARIUS: (Born between 20th January & 18th February)

Someone else may begin to become mysterious, which could ongoing until mid August. You could feel they are acting out one thing but feeling something else. This is not a time to spend without thinking. You need to analyse the need to do this and how this might affect regular commitments you already have in place.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR PISCES: (Born between 19th February & 20th March)

You could feel luckier than you have in while because of things going your way without difficulty. You can expect greater response from others from now to mid August, though there could be a level of caution attached. You could feel you have seen another side of a person this week. Take your time in processing this.