Weekly Horoscopes from 31st October 2016

24 October 2016 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts


The Weekly Horoscopes by Anne-Elisabeth talk about the happenings for each of the 12 Zodiac Star Signs or Sun Signs.  This is generated by the movements and interactions of the planets in the heavens within the Zodiac Signs.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR ARIES: (Born between 21st March & 20th April)

Be careful about any long-term projects somebody else might encourage you to get involved in. It can certainly have an instant appeal to you but it could either bring difficulty to present commitments or turn out requiring greater obligations from you than is evident right now. Others can certainly benefit more than you will.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR TAURUS: (Born between 21st April & 20th May)

There are new directions associated with another person or others. Whether this is something you personally experience as beneficial could be debatable, mainly because it can be difficult for you to know their true intentions. Don’t be prepared to be flexible when it comes to important priorities and you will work through it.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR GEMINI: (Born between 21st May & 20th June)       

The demands to be more detailed in some way of late, has likely been rather taxing. The more you have applied yourself the greater will now be your sensation of coming out the other side. It will generate new beginnings of some description. You could have contact with an unusual person that will prove stimulating.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR CANCER: (Born between 21st June & 22nd July)

Don’t be afraid to dream about future possibilities. New opportunities to head in those directions can present themselves. You do need to recognise who will help you out and who might try to hinder you. Applying your natural sense of people is your way of working this out. Maintain communication with helpful people.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR LEO: (Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)

You can experience a new lease of life when it comes to applying your mind to being better focused on daily routines that should be in place. This can include home and family matters. If there is something that needs to be discussed within the family you should set out to do this and get it sorted by the end of the year.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR VIRGO: (Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)    

Your mental approach at the moment will be intensely focussed and this could result in seeing a situation from a completely different standpoint. It can feel as though you have come out the other side. At the same time you can easily recognise any opportunities available that will bring greater benefits your way.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR LIBRA: (Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)

New opportunities from which you can benefit financially can be establishing themselves. You need to be mindful about the way this can change the way your life is structured. This can also mean you should focus on how you want to structure life. You cannot afford to let the details drift – you must stay focussed on your needs.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR SCORPIO: (Born between 23rd October & 21st November)    

There is much to get life moving along in new directions. The New Moon occurs in your sign this week while Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, which is also in your sign, begins a going ahead phase that will last until the end of the year. What you have to watch is spending money on things you don’t really need.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR SAGITTARIUS: (Born between 22nd November & 21st December)

Some unexpected pleasures or luck could arise this week. Be careful you do not let it distract you too much from obligations that need to be attended to. Behind the scenes there are new directions establishing themselves that can present either job or financial opportunities. Things will become more obvious by mid November.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR CAPRICORN: (Born between 22nd December & 19th January)  

The time has come to take a fresh look at your priorities, particularly if you have let things slide of late. You have got to the end of the year to get matters under better control – it will make you feel a lot happier. Out of the ordinary situations that arise related to family would be best not acted upon quickly – see where they go first.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR AQUARIUS: (Born between 20th January & 18th February)

New directions related to commitments or responsibilities can establish themselves. You can benefit financially as long as you do not become self-sacrificing. Staying mentally strong and getting stronger is entirely possible. Not a lot needs to be said – you simply need to make up your mind and be determined to the end of the year.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR PISCES: (Born between 19th February & 20th March)

New possibilities the future could hold for you can be easily tapped into. You have to take a serious approach to priorities that need to remain in place, as you could be tempted to escape them if you can. Look to find a way of enjoying obligations that should to be attended to. Be sure you hold onto money you need for these things.