Weekly Horoscopes from 4th June 2018

28 May 2018 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts


Weekly Horoscopes by Anne-Elisabeth talk about the events for each of the 12 Zodiac Star Signs or Sun Signs.  This is generated by the movements and interactions of the planets in the heavens as they travel through the Zodiac Constellations.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR ARIES: (Born between 21st March & 20th April)

You can feel passionate about a particular fact or idea but may experience some frustration when attempting to get others to understand where you are coming from. It can also become obvious that you can establish greater harmony for yourself by completely getting rid of obligations that serve no real purpose.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR TAURUS: (Born between 21st April & 20th May)      

Life has started down a path where you will go through a lot of change on a personal level. This could be generated by other people to a large degree but rather than being completely responsive you will need to start focussing on where you want to stand in certain situations. Don’t be tempted to be impulsive with money.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR GEMINI: (Born between 21st May & 20th June)       

You can be pulled in a million different directions this week and need to be mindful that nothing is a certainty. Something could arise that will suddenly make future plans look doubtful, so it would be wise not to react too quickly. Don’t get pushed into making any commitments you are not keen about – they can be disappointing.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR CANCER: (Born between 21st June & 22nd July)

Someone could be demanding but it is unlikely to surprise you because it has likely happened in the past. You are in a good position to handle this with diplomacy in a very effective way. There is a lot of restlessness going on behind the scenes. You should not get yourself involved in anything until it comes up of its own accord.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR LEO: (Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)

Any situation involving a group of people can be unpredictable. There could be all sorts of manipulation going on to suit the needs of certain individuals. This will be subtle but could generate annoyance with others. You will get greatest satisfaction from spending time away from these situations, catching up with outstanding jobs.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR VIRGO: (Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)

Don’t be tempted to take on obligations because somebody doesn’t seem to be coping. They may not want to cope and for this reason it is more responsible of you to advise rather than do it for them. There can be other situations that put your daily routines out of order and that will be enough for you to get under control.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR LIBRA: (Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)

It can be difficult to establish a clear impression on where things will now head in the long term because of changes out of your control. You should not take any risks, hoping for the best. Something at the basis of things has or will finish, though it can become better structured. You will realise this in practical terms.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR SCORPIO: (Born between 23rd October & 21st November)    

You need to stay focussed on where you are at and whatever success you will be able to generate, especially from situations you enjoy being part of. Other people can be all over the place and will unsettle things if you give into their persistence over what they expect or want. You have to get used to rebelliousness from others.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR SAGITTARIUS: (Born between 22nd November & 21st December)

There will be no lack of activity with others this week. Be mindful of not jumping too quickly into any conversations that have a tone of aggression. There is likely a lot more to situations than are obvious. By holding back you will give time for these things to surface which will make you very glad for your caution at the start.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR CAPRICORN: (Born between 22nd December & 19th January)  

You can experience a powerful connection to somebody else. It could also be that you are nicely challenged by somebody who does not want to accept what you might expect from them. Normal routines can get upset. If somebody needs to do some work for you or fix something up it will pay to keep an eye of what is being done.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR AQUARIUS: (Born between 20th January & 18th February)

Don’t be tempted to take a risk or do anything on the spur of the moment because you will easily miss important things and could generate trouble for yourself. Something you normally enjoy may not run smoothly, so it might be best avoided. Where you will have success is getting small jobs out of the way that have nagged at you.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR PISCES: (Born between 19th February & 20th March)

The way in which you can have success with something you want to see fulfilled in the future could become evident. You will know this will take proper planning to put a good foundation in place and you should not try to convince yourself otherwise. Some unknown factors might be annoying but they will surface eventually.