Weekly Horoscopes by Anne-Elisabeth discuss what each of the 12 Zodiac Star Signs or Sun Signs can expect in life. This is generated by the interactions of the planets as they travel through the Zodiac Signs in the heavens.
(Born between 21st March & 20th April)
Obligations can put you under pressure to pay more attention to detail in a particular area than you would normally do. This will likely have a connection to finances with the underlying influence of not being able to be as free as you would like, especially when it comes to things of pleasure. It doesnât need to stop enjoyment though.
(Born between 21st April & 20th May)
You can be determined to do things your way but you may need to accept some sort of alternative to your original plans. The main thing is to establish a degree of underlying stability that you can rely on in the future. This needs to be on the more conservative side. It is the little things you need to take care of so you donât get tripped up.
(Born between 21st May & 20th June)
A drifting feeling might be hard to shake. If you are under pressure to get something in place that has a lot more detail attached to it than you feel comfortable with, the best thing you can do is stall for time. You need to get a more balanced perspective in your mind and this could require searching for information.
(Born between 21st June & 22nd July)
Dealing with other people and especially with a group of people will have its challenges. You need to be across the detail or the information to a respectable degree. If you feel you might be wasting your time, you could be proven right because nothing being organised at the moment is likely to be set in cement.
(Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)
An important 9 month period is beginning for you on a personal level that can lead to changes over the next 4 years, especially if you are born close to the 13th August. An increase in responsibility can be part of it, which is more likely to have some sort of benefit attached. The important thing is to be across the detail with your finances.
(Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)
You might begin to realise that there could be a lot more detail involved with something you have considered developing in the future since mid May. You need to be able to keep this under control yourself. This part may not be so easy and for this reason it would be wise of you to take small steps and then see what emerges.
(Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)
A turning point can begin to take place when it comes to your own priorities in life. Pressure from the expectations of others is not likely to ease. It might be difficult for you to understand. You need to find quiet time to yourself so that you can think uninterrupted and go over things in your mind. The answers you get could be surprising.
(Born between 23rd October & 21st November)
Someone else wonât want to be suppressed and might see any expectations on your part that they handle certain obligations as unacceptable. This can certainly lead you to rethink how this can affect matters important to you. Take your time in considering this as you might eventually make decisions you did not think would be necessary.
(Born between 22nd November & 21st December)
Somebody who has authority can be all over the place when it comes to matters they want put in place. Lacking will be their understanding of the amount of work this will involve or how it will unsettle general routines already in place. Â Donât be afraid to challenge their ideas so that you avoid being placed in a situation with a lot of unnecessary work.
(Born between 22nd December & 19th January)
A sense that something seems to be changing dramatically or coming to an end could feel unsettling.  Benefits will come from it in the long term. The present time is bringing awareness to your mind, which should not be acted on too quickly. There could changes in attitude from somebody else that is not evident as yet.
(Born between 20th January & 18th February)
 Significant changes can take place when it comes to somebody else in your life or who might come into your life over the next 9 months. It could challenge any well established independence you already have. You may have some inkling now that it might be necessary to let go of certain ideas but exactly how will not become clear just yet.
(Born between 19th February & 20th March)
You need a lot of patience when it comes to others and either their ideas or what they have to say to you. Â They may want to dominate. They could be just as frustrated as you but you are the one who needs to have patience and let time take its course. Â Something will change and they will eventually move on or you will from them.