Weekly Horoscopes from 7th June 2021

31 May 2021 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts


Weekly Horoscopes by Anne-Elisabeth discuss what each of the 12 Zodiac Star Signs or Sun Signs can expect in life.Ā  This is generated by the interactions of the planets as they travel in the heavens through the Zodiac Signs.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE FOR ARIES: (Born between 21st March & 20th April)

If you have worked hard at getting things in place or sorting out matters at home requiring your attention since late April you can now move into enjoyment phase until late July. Something that you canā€™t fully sort out in your mind or get to the point of making a final decision could take an unexpected turn ā€“ a new direction.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR TAURUS: (Born between 21st April & 20th May)

There will be the opportunity to follow any decisions you might feel you want to make to lower the level of certain obligations. You should definitely free yourself rather than be burdened. It is time to start putting effort into whatever you have been thinking about doing since late April. Much can be accomplished to late July.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR GEMINI: (Born between 21st May & 20th June)Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

The Solar Eclipse this week occurs in your sign while connecting to Mercury, your ruling planet. This could provide a big wake up call in relation to what affects you personally or action you should be taking to get your life moving forward. If you are not across the entire information necessary, look into that from now to late July.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR CANCER: (Born between 21st June & 22nd July)

Donā€™t take any risks with anything that is unclear ā€“ it is wise to wait until more information surfaces, which could take quite a while. It is more important for you to focus on generating harmony in your own life and anything that requires your attention. The opportunity to do things in your own way will be there ā€“ go with it.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR LEO: (Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)

Mars, the planet of self-confidence and action will move into your sign this week where it will remain until 30th July. This will generate the beginning of a new 2 year personal cycle. Your energy level will lift. There could be some unexpected encounters with people from the past. Something could have changed dramatically.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR VIRGO: (Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)

Responsibilities you had moved on from could suddenly return or new ones that have a very similar tone to old ones. Weigh up how this might affect daily routines already in place. It is not a given that you need to accept them. You have the ability to stall for time until late July. This will give you plenty of time to contemplate.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR LIBRA: (Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)

Any work and effort you have had a responsibility to engage in since late April can start to pay off, placing you in a better position to fulfil what is important or to focus on your priorities to late July. You could get support you didnā€™t expect. You could also realise there are other options when in comes to your long-term goals.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR SCORPIO: (Born between 23rd October & 21st November)

Whatever you have been focussing on when it comes to the long term will now require some sort of commitment to late July. If you have been working towards taking on more responsibility, it could now come your way. It might be difficult to work out the true intentions of somebody else, especially if they change their mind.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR SAGITTARIUS: (Born between 22nd November & 21st December)

There could be some surprising changes with somebody else that will take matters in a new direction. This could also relate to anybody that supports you, either personally or in a work situation. You can have greater confidence from now to late July when it comes to focussing on where you want things to head in the long term.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR CAPRICORN: (Born between 22nd December & 19th January)Ā Ā 

Donā€™t expect to get a lot of time to yourself. It might be time to seriously consider changes that are necessary to normal routines, especially if you have been getting behind or not getting enough done. The demands of others are not going to decrease. Work that needs to be done will have to come before pleasures.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR AQUARIUS: (Born between 20th January & 18th February)

Life will become busier when it comes to involvement with others to late July. You will have to watch this doesnā€™t disconnect you too much from what you feel is important to engage in personally. You could have a sudden desire to go back to something you have enjoyed in the past that has fallen by the wayside.

WEEKLY HOROSCOPEĀ FOR PISCES: (Born between 19th February & 20th March)

You should be ready to work on any new directions that need to be taken involving home or family matters from now to late July. This might have been attempted in the past without being fully completed. You could now feel more confident about the end result you want to accomplish, perhaps because things have become clearer.