Forecast Week Beginning 16th December 2013

9 December 2013

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) You should reflect upon what life has meant to you as a whole over the last 18 months.  This could mean looking at everything that has happened and the tone of your life that has developed...

Moon for January 2014

3 December 2013

Daily Moon Signs Time Used is South Australian Daylight Saving Time (ACDT)  To convert to local time at any other location can be done on many sites on the Internet.  One I find easy to use is  – Any time over 12 hours...

Forecast Week Beginning 9th December 2013

2 December 2013

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) Mars, your ruling planet, will generate challenging situations when it comes to your dealings with others until late July.  Right now you can have a vision of how you want to change the future.  What you...

Forecast Week Beginning 2nd December 2013

25 November 2013

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) Restlessness can arise about wanting a greater sense of freedom in the future.  This can be primarily because you have felt a slave to circumstances since mid October, which you now feel compelled to bring to...

Forecast Week Beginning 25th November 2013

18 November 2013

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) A different view of future possibilities could emerge suddenly, generating a sense of confidence in regard to your ability to bring this to fulfilment.  This is the big picture of which the details are not so...

Forecast Week Beginning 18th November 2013

11 November 2013

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) You can begin to make some sense of anything you have been working on since mid October.  Much of this could now be due to some sort of finality when it comes to the decisions or...

Forecast Week Beginning 11th November 2013

4 November 2013

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) You could find a unique way to deal with pressure being applied by somebody else for you to accept some sort of obligations or responsibilities.  You need to keep your wits about you because there is...

Forecast Week Beginning 4th November 2013

28 October 2013

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) You are still in a situation where you have little choice but to adjust to other people and their desires in some way without knowing their exact intentions.  It is by paying attention to detail that...

Forecast Week Beginning 28th October 2013

21 October 2013

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) Either somebody who actually has authority or somebody who wants more authority in your life can put you under pressure.  In situations where you have a choice you should avoid complying with their wishes because there...

Forecast Week Beginning 21st October 2013

14 October 2013

ARIES:  (Born between 21st March & 20th April) You are best to be patient with others because it will be difficult for you to ascertain their true position.  Whatever direction they appeared to be taking can change or come to a standstill.  It is...