Week Beginning 12th March 2012

12 March 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts


Pay careful attention, as something will not continue in the way it has been initially set up.  You will need to rethink matters for some reason.  This will likely involve money or income, as well as someone else.  You can benefit, but only through being prepared to go over all the details that have something to do with the past.



You can feel lucky but also experience many things falling into place easily this week.  You could come into contact with people from the past whose company you have enjoyed or decide it is time you went back and did something that was fulfilling in the past.  The temptation to overindulge in pleasures will be high as well



Getting yourself moving may be difficult – you will feel more like resting and taking it easy.  For this reason, you may feel you are not accomplishing much at all.  You should rethink any plans you already have in place to get on with.  This time more suited to rest is good for contemplation, bringing different ideas to the surface.



Activity involving you with a group of people can develop into something far greater than you first anticipate.  You need to be careful about what you say because the mood can be so relaxed that anything seems all right.  There can be somebody who wants greater control and could prove rather manipulative with information they get



You could be greatly appreciated for the way you have conducted yourself in any situations of responsibility.  This could also be associated with work or business.  It may encourage you to rethink a future path you were planning to take.  Don’t be tempted to be impulsive.  Smaller details need to be thoroughly investigated.



You need to focus on yourself and the things you are able to have some control over.  What others really believe will be hard to fathom, as they can be both mysterious as well as indecisive.  The more optimistic you are, the more you will find things going your way, bringing pleasure and stimulating your self confidence.



Others can be highly unpredictable but in a strange way you could end up gaining some sort of benefit.  There could be those who are working behind your back but this may not turn out to be the success they were hoping for.  The only indication you will have of this will be them changing their mind or bringing a halt to a matter.



Someone else is prepared to be most generous from which you can benefit.  There will be something associated with the past.  What is different now is the need for you to make a definite decision.  Not that this has to be done straight away but you have to think over your options so you are ready to move when the time is right.



You could see the benefit in scaling down your personal involvement in a particular situation.  You may enjoy it but realise it takes up time you should be spending on other things that can improve your standing and eventually bring greater recognition.  Don’t plan social activities too far in advance as things can change.



You have been way more social that usual since June and while this can continue to increase you may feel it is time you looked at it a little more seriously.  The sense of having to return to past ways of organisation if you are to accomplish future goals can nag at you.  Doing this can produce a large degree of pleasure and satisfaction.



There is much to be happy about at home or with matters connected to family.  Any changes you are making have underlying security that can produce greater growth as time goes on.  Someone else could change their mind in a way that could prove beneficial to you.  You could sense this, but wait for matters to surface their way.



Someone else could be more prepared to compromise than you believe.  All it will take is a well-balanced approach from you with ideas, particularly if they feature an aspect of improvement.  While they have appeared very sure of themselves, you might discover this has not really been the case.  Matters can take a while to unfold.