The New Moon occurs in your sign this week creating the opportunity for establishing new beginnings with anything on a personal level or involving you. There will be something about the past that either comes into it or needs to be sorted out before you can move forward freely. Pay careful attention to all matters.
This is a good time for you right now but something can make you feel uneasy. This is because there is a lot going on behind the scenes that has an element of impulsiveness to it. Just be patient, as it won’t take long from something to be talked about. Don’t be generous of yourself when it comes to others. Wait and see.
You could suddenly realise something you thought was desirable, may not be, mainly because you do not know or understand enough about it or it will not enhance your position after all. You could also realise any obligations attached need more consideration. Go back over things in your mind to early April.
The need to look into a new approach with obligations that can arise in a surprising way but will have something to do with feeling as though there are too many unseen elements. This can lead to a reassessment of your long-term goals or aims until early April. You have some authority so don’t be afraid to use this if necessary.
A new world could be opening up to you – there is something quite unexpected about it. To begin with you may not know what to think. It will not be until mid April that you will begin to gain a clearer picture of what your aims are either likely to be or should be. The true intentions of others can be too unclear to be patient.
Matters involving others can make no sense at all except that you know there some form of rebellion deeply buried. You have likely had an experience like this in the past where you felt at the mercy of someone else with no real power. This won’t begin to turn around until early April. Watch and gather details that will help later.
New directions other people take or want to take can leave you wondering. It could all seem too quick or impulsive for your liking but there may not be much you can do about it. Anxiety could build up if you are not careful, especially to early April. Busy yourself with things you have been meaning to get to and sort out for a while.
You could suddenly launch into a health regime you have been considering for a while. Physical exertion will play a role. This may not have longevity, as you will be looking for quick results. On another level you could feel a lot is expected of you with very little appreciation being shown. You may have to accept this for now.
All sorts of unexpected pleasures can come your way, which could have the effect of injecting a new view of what you might be able to create. Others involved could hide their true position to begin with but it won’t last long. They will be willing to be part of getting a foundation in place that will allow continued future development
Situations within the family or anything you want to establish a stable base to work from, can start to change at a very fast pace. All the details will not be clear so do not jump to any conclusions or be tempted to push things out of a sense of rebellion. Break your thoughts from this – it will give you the chance to rethink to early April.
Your mind will be on fire with new ideas but these are early stages. There will be the need to reconsider resources or finances. This could be because past matters need to be sorted before there are resources available for future projects. I could be mid April before you will be in a position to put ideas of the present into action.
You might have thought you had moved on only to discover something comes back to where you started, requiring your consideration again. Part of this could be mistakes made in the past that need correcting. Aim to get this done by early April and then you will be in a position to move forward to mid April. It can be a testing time to say the least.