Think of something different to do that doesn’t cost a lot of money. Just don’t put yourself in situations that cost because you will end up spending more than you plan. Life can become hectic in the next 2 weeks. You need to remain focussed otherwise your attention will be going in all directions, accomplishing little.
Recent thoughts, considerations or decisions will now move to the next stage of development. If it involves money, you need to be cautious, as there will be things you cannot fully see. Don’t accept anything on trust – you need proper agreements. The best way to look at it is not to risk anything that you cannot afford to lose.
Mercury, the planet of thought and communication will move into your sign until 31st May. It is your ruling planet and it will make you feel good. You will have very little patience with anything that is plodding along. It can enable you to see how you can open your life up, create more peace of mind and expand in some way.
You enter a period of contemplation until late May in which you need to begin considering new directions you want to establish in life. Consider the order of priorities in your life while you have got the time to mull this over. It will be one thing after another in a short space of time so don’t waste this opportunity now.
You are learning something that can prove valuable personally. This may be actual study or just from situations in life. Involvement with friends or groups of people will be activated to late May. You must not allow this to distract you from obligations you need to fulfil. This might be something you need to learn to do.
Whatever broad idea you have recently had for the future will now take you to the stage of knowing you need to commit yourself so that results can be gained. Be confident about your ability to put things together. Somebody else may not be helpful with their suggestions, mainly because they lack your realistic approach.
You could start to change your mind about something you have wanted in the future. Through considerations of different options to late May you may come to recognise there is a lot more to this than you initially anticipated. Someone could suggest an inventive approach. Look beyond those who only see the negative.
Influence exerted by others is very draining, especially if they have authority or think they do. It can be difficult to know where you stand. Greater levels of secrecy can develop on their part and this is not something you find easy to deal with. You need to remain focussed on what you intend to take responsibility for personally.
Involvement with others gets busier and takes on another level of activity to late May. They can become more open and frank, enabling you to see their true selves a lot more. This won’t yet take away any sense of being at their mercy but it can result in more harmony. How it will sort itself out in the long run won’t be clear.
You need to ensure that you put time into getting all the small details in place to late May so that something can be put together properly. You can actually find this pleasurable. It can also make you feel happy because you know you are doing the right thing. If you have been slack with your health now is the time to change that.
You will be able to recognise what people have to learn more than they will. Bear in mind that their actions speak louder than words. To late May, think about the things in life that bring you pleasure and enjoyment. There is likely to be something out of the ordinary about it but that is you. Be aware of wasting money.
Family situations can take an unpredictable path, though it may be something you half expected. This could have been building up close to a year. Ideas you have had about your own life can take shape to late May. It will be best to leave some aspects open ended so that further adjustments can be made if necessary in time.