You could begin to see the events that have taken place in your life since mid March from a different perspective, now that Mercury, the decision maker, has moved into your sign, where it will stay until 2nd May. Be very cautious about making impulsive decisions this week, especially if there is an element of wanting to be rebellious.
Venus, your ruling planet, moves into your sign this week where it will remain until 10th May. This will make you feel a lot better as well as feeling that some sort of progress can be made at last. There is still a lot that can hold you back so it will be one step at a time. Remaining poised and balanced are the coping mechanisms.
Your priorities can suddenly change. This can be due to the unrelenting pressure of somebody else’s desires. You need to establish how much is really expected of you or you could feel as though you are a slave to their needs. This could make you realise that you have to be prepared to go into battle to put your own wishes first.
You have something to learn about authority. This may be how you wield your own authority or it could be related to your dealings with somebody who has authority and tends to operate in a very dominant manner. A chance remark on either side could set off a set of circumstances very quickly, creating a fiery environment.
Your vision of future prospects in life can take a path you have never previously thought about seriously. The gaining of knowledge is connected in some way. This can include study or simply getting to a point where something you have been working on for a long period time starts to make sense in relation to what it means.
Something can alter in a favourable way in your dealings with somebody else, giving a greater sense of stability where the future is concerned. Even so, there can also be some surprises to deal with when it comes to what someone else thinks or what they expect from you. This side of things requires greater concentration from you.
Someone else can have a distracting influence when it comes to your plans or the way you have organised matters. This will happen suddenly and it might take you a while to realise what it is really all about. It won’t be easy to see what you can do about it but you may need to become determined, even stubborn where necessary.
Through using subtlety or imagination, somebody else can begin to emerge in some way, developing greater self-confidence. You didn’t see this coming. It could be their way of dealing with your secretive ways – not that this will engender openness from you. What it does mean is that you need to suddenly think differently about it.
Anything you have been attempting to get organised or settled down since early February can take off quickly, making you realise you have been more creative than you thought. There will be details to put in place but this can be done at a slow and steady pace to mid May. Be sure you spend time enjoying yourself as well.
You need to now make decisions that take a singular path after all the distractions or considerations that have tangled you up since February. The sudden change to your mental attitude might even surprise you. Think about the foundation you want to have in place for the things you want to be able to generate for the next 2 years.
You can be easily tempted to make a decision on the spur of the moment because of wanting things to be different. If you are not careful it could tie you down more than you have been. You need to gather information from now to early May so that you realise the alternatives that are available, arming you with plenty of information.
You have had what has probably seemed too much time to think about yourself and your position in life. Something can alter quickly, making you realise your situation has changed. Stable choices can become available. If you have been honest with yourself you will be able to recognise the difference between fantasy and reality.