There will be a sharp focus on the need to alter anything that does not suit the ideas you have been developing about your life over the last year. Many alternatives have likely been swirling in your mind. You can establish a secure position for yourself to mid July 2014. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that can continue to expand.
You can begin to feel there is more in the offering and that things can change. A large part can be due to moving on in your mind with any uncertain situations involving others. Life can get busy to mid July 2014, including many distractions if you are not careful. An excellent time for travel, to learn and to try anything once.
You are now moving onto the next stage of a new 12 year cycle that began in June 2012. Your finances will be favourably stimulated to mid July 2014. This can provide the opportunity to increase your income or make constructive changes with work that will bring benefits long term. You could spend all too easily as well.
Life should begin to open up after all sorts of frustrations that have been in the background for the last year. Jupiter will move into your sign where it will stay until 16th July 2014. This stimulates a new 12 Year Cycle. Be mindful of what others expect from you – being too generous may not be in your best interests long term.
The year ahead to mid July 2014 is not one where you will gain a lot of recognition. Even so, there can be many benefits developing that will not be obvious. You may prefer to work behind the scenes, even in a voluntary capacity. You can be tuned into future potentials and what could eventually be accomplished. Focus on this.
There can be greater involvement with friends in the year to follow to mid July 2014. You could also make new friends, particularly through any situations that involve you with a group of people. Focus on what you now consider should be your priorities after the obligations you have been dealing with over the past 12 months.
Obligations and responsibilities can increase to mid July 2014. This can include gaining promotions you have been aiming towards. It is also good for business development. In other situations you need to consider just how much responsibility you are prepared to take on as others will want freedom and will leave much to you.
A certain disconnect that has been operating since October between yourself and others will cease. You could now realise that your focus needs to be what you want to accomplish without worrying about the desires of others. There can be much to look into where long-term goals are concerned to mid July 2014 and lots to learn.
Learning to be more secretive, which is hard for you, will be the only way to make progress from now to mid July 2014. You need to pay attention to what others want from you because there can be those who will work behind your back. The more open you are, the more information you will give them for working against you.
Life will become very busy with other people to mid July 2014. You can begin to gain favourable recognition for what you have been working on during the last year or anything you have been involved in during the last 6 years. You have likely gained personal standing that will now allow you to create a whole new future.
Health can be a major focus from now to mid July 2014. You will easily gain weight so be mindful of circumstances that can encourage this. There is the opportunity to improve your health but it will require sustained effort on a daily basis, which can include exercise. Don’t get into situations where you are working like a slave.
There can be much to enjoy from now to mid July 2014. This would be an excellent time for that holiday you have always wanted to have. Overindulgence and taking risks are the things you will have to watch because you have natural tendencies in these directions. Love will be in the air, including pleasure with loved ones.