Weekly Horoscopes by Anne-Elisabeth discuss what each of the 12 Star Signs or Sun Signs can expect in life. This is generated by the interactions of the planets as they travel through the Zodiac Signs in the heavens.
(Born between 21st March & 20th April)
Curb any temptation to spend money on impulse, even if it happens to be something you have always wanted, mainly because you could sense that you don’t know what might come up in the future. You could realise it would be more balanced to maintain a practical attitude, which shouldn’t be difficult. You can still enjoy yourself.
(Born between 21st April & 20th May)
The manner in which a matter has been developing that has likely involved commitments from you can suddenly become clear. This could involve family but it might also be a person who has some sort of authority. It will allow you to move on in your own mind. Up to early March, you need to consider things that are important to you in life.
(Born between 21st May & 20th June)
A lot more information could come your way when it comes to certain things you have wanted to pursue – this could include studies. Your focus will need to be on commitments up to early March, which might bring in finances in some way – this is just a first stage. Late March to mid April will be when you need to get serious.
(Born between 21st June & 22nd July)
Any battle of wills that has been going, perhaps for quite some time, can end on the part of others, especially if you have stood firm when it comes to what needs to take priority. Things might be a bit awkward up to early March but don’t let that bother you too much. Your self esteem has been boosted, though in a most subtle way.
(Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)
The Full Moon will occur in your sign this week allowing you to shine in some way. Just be sure it is the right way and not for something rebellious or too out of the ordinary. Somebody could make a bold statement that surprises or is unclear to you but then retreat, making it rather difficult to get a clear answer, certainly up to early March.
(Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)
There is something building up behind the scenes, though you are likely to have analysed what it could be or aspects of it. You might need to think about who really supports you and who might be doubtful. Coming to an agreement with somebody else could test your patience up to early March. Other opportunities will come later.
(Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)
Something important could either be fulfilled or you will recognise how this can be done which might be taking into account the way someone else has succeeded in a similar way. Getting the details in place or the information required to get on with it might be challenging up to early March. You will find ways to battle through it all.
(Born between 23rd October & 21st November)
Something you have wanted to put into place may have become a bigger job than you imagined now that you have finally got there. Much depends on whether you have been helped or hindered if there was somebody not in favour. You could be more appreciated for your efforts than you realise. It is the long goal that is important.
(Born between 22nd November & 21st December)
You could come up with some facts or answers that you didn’t expect which puts a completely different picture on where things will head in the future. It might also make you aware that somebody’s underlying intentions are not what you presumed. Trying to work that out might be difficult up to early March. Answers can come later.
(Born between 22nd December & 19th January)
Something you had never really thought about or considered in relation to somebody else could become obvious. You might wonder if you should ask questions or say something. This would be better left for the moment. It is more about observing on your part – that will be the best way to gather more information.
(Born between 20th January & 18th February)
With the right questions, somebody else could open up more than you anticipated. This could be important if money is involved because you need to know what you have to handle on a regular basis. This could be a bit all over the place to early March and for this reason don’t go spending or committing yourself on impulse.
(Born between 19th February & 20th March)
Mercury, the planet of thought and communication moves into your sign mid week until 3rd March. It will be its first visit which means it will be pointless to attempt any final decision making as situations can change. The main thing is to keep on any well structured path you have established for yourself since March 2023, however tempted you might be to stray.