Weekly Horoscopes from 3rd February 2025

27 January 2025 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Weekly Horoscopes by Anne-Elisabeth discuss what each of the 12 Zodiac Star Signs or Sun Signs can expect in life.  This is generated by the interactions of the planets as they travel through the Zodiac Signs in the heavens.


Weekly Horoscope for Aries: 

(Born between 21st March & 20th April)

Venus, the planet of balance and harmony moves into your sign until 27th March.  This week will give you the opportunity to dramatically change or end a situation that will allow you to transform something about yourself or your personal circumstances.  Part of this could be generating more time for relaxation or home and family matters.


Weekly Horoscope for Taurus: 

(Born between 21st April & 20th May) 

You will have the confidence to speak up when it comes to commitments you want to change.  If there is something you have been attempting to sort out financially, you will now realise how to move forward.  It is not that you want to avoid things.  It is more a case of sorting out what takes greater importance and being able to stick with it.


Weekly Horoscope for Gemini:  

(Born between 21st May & 20th June)

When it comes to decisions related to where you want to head you will now be in a position to know how you want to move forward.  It might be a bit slow to begin with but will gather speed up to June.  How things can be managed in a practical way financially can become obvious though complete escape won’t be possible.


Weekly Horoscope for Cancer:

(Born between 21st June & 22nd July)

Something you need to return to can have a greater degree of security or reliability attached to it than was the case in the past.  Taking a straightforward approach with anybody who expects too much of you can do wonders.  Lowering the level of some sort of obligation is entirely possible.  You need to be determined to keep it that way.


Weekly Horoscope for Leo: 

(Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)

Opportunities you don’t expect could open up suddenly through another person.  They are likely to take what is important to you into account.  It could also bring you into contact with a new group of people.  You will be able to clearly recognise any commitments that would be attached and know what you are happy to take on.


Weekly Horoscope for Virgo: 

(Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)

It is up to you to bring balance to whatever you need to manage on a regular basis as there can be someone who will want for themselves to late March.  There will be those who are reasonable when you make it known what is important to you.  Only you can get clear vision on where you want things to head in the long term.


Weekly Horoscope for Libra: 

(Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)

Life will centre around others to late March, which can include something changing quite dramatically.  They will know what they want or expect and you can benefit from this as long as you do not allow yourself to become a slave to their wants.  There is no need for the past to repeat itself on this score.  Move on from that.


Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio:

(Born between 23rd October & 21st November)

Now is the time to work on establishing more steadiness, up to late March, when it comes to normal routines, including diet and exercise.  This might include giving something up.  The expectations of somebody else can become obvious.  This may set up some challenges where you need to decide what you are prepared to accept.


Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius:

(Born between 22nd November & 21st December)

Keep on top of whatever you need to handle on a daily basis because many distractions can come your way in the form of social activity and invitations.  It may be difficult to work out exactly where you stand with someone else.  Don’t let this distract you – just get on with things and matters will have a way of working themselves out.


Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn:

(Born between 22nd December & 19th January) 

Some down to earth conversations can come up with others that can clear something up from the past or give you a completely different perspective.  If you have spent more than you intended recently now is the time to rein it in.  It may take late March to get things back to a stable position that doesn’t require so much attention.


Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius:

(Born between 20th January & 18th February)

Greater peace of mind can suddenly take shape this week.  You can see light in some way when it comes to the best way establish a stable base that you can work from in the future.  It may require you to be mindful about what you spend on little things that add up.  Your pleasure will come simply from feeling more secure.


Weekly Horoscope for Pisces: 

(Born between 19th February & 20th March)

You could at last see the benefits of the degree of personal commitment you have had to put into things since March 2023.  Even though everything may not be totally clear just yet, the awareness that you have developed can be a big help in letting matters take their course.  Forward movement on some levels is already developing.