Somebody could be more willing than you realise to blend in with you and do things your way. You are in the stronger position. They will not let you know that and they will hide any insecurity they have. You need to carefully look into where you stand, what you want as well as considering the responsibilities that come with them.
You can feel overpowered without really knowing exactly why or where it is actually stemming from. Others have more power and they don’t see any reason to be open about future plans. This could be because they are happy to live in the moment, to see how matters pan out eventually. Find time to yourself to contemplate the future
You need to consider your priorities from more than one angle. Whatever has put you under pressure since early February should have made you aware of many things, including obligations you should drop. People are willing to assist you and this can include recommending you. You just have to work out what is best.
Best to be unpredictable with any person who attempts to control a situation too much. There could be all sorts of obligations attached, meaning it would be wise of you to remain detached from any type of long term commitment. Not to say there are not opportunities but they are still a long way off being able to fully develop.
There is much going on to focus you on the future. Your view will tend towards optimism, which is a good thing. There can be dramatic change from what has been the past, allowing you to eventually forge quite different directions. Involved in this will be dealing with many small details. Success will depend upon doing this.
Life may seem to be dictated by the needs of others and the ability they have in ensuring the focus remains on them. You may not be able to work out exactly what their expectations are. You will have the opportunity to organise situations of enjoyment or pleasure. Be determined about this – it will be your saving grace.
Joining forces with somebody else will appeal, as this tends to come naturally. They have a stronger position but also possess some willingness to work with you or make compromises. Working out what they are prepared to do will give you more confidence about what can be accomplished. It is you who can see these things.
A lot cannot be fully seen right now, though at the same time you know much detail needs to be taken care of. Personal commitment and responsibility is something you cannot relax on. Remain focussed on daily details. Keep communication open with people that are important. Even so there is a little fun to be had as well.
Enjoyment can arise from most unexpected circumstances. This could bring new people into your life or you may see a new side to somebody you have known for a while. It might begin to make clear plans you can move ahead with that have been going through much flux and change since early February. Remain true to yourself.
You can be more determined than ever to do things your way – it can result in a feeling of an incredible sense of personal power. This can involve family or it may have a lot to do with restructuring the way you have been dealing with your life. Becoming more efficient with time on a daily basis could make a huge difference.
You could be very tempted to say exactly what you think, even though you know it will cause a stir. This is likely not a bad thing. The only situation you would have to watch would be whether it can affect you financially. There is much to enjoy and although there may not be a lot of time that can allocated – take what you can.
Greater clarity on what should be your main priorities will begin to emerge, mainly because you are less likely to be influenced by any sense of guilt or having to compromise. What can be afforded financially might come into play but even here you may have come to realise some things of satisfaction are not monetary based.