Mentally, you can now move onto the next stage, after any matters connected to communication or decisions have gone back and forth since early March. You can be more in tune in a practical way but must still be cautious of overlooking detail out of feeling impatient. Others are willing to listen to what you have to say.
Mercury, the planet of thought and communication moves into your sign until 24thMay. After all the frustrations of late, you will be able to move forward quite quickly with decisions. You could suddenly find you have a lot to deal with because of things coming from many different directions. You may not be able to manage it all
Your focus will be on what you want to enjoy or anything you feel needs to be balanced out in some way. At the same time you can feel there are things holding you back. This is more about what needs to be tidied up and perhaps left behind in order to move on. Consider long-term goals and what might become obsolete.
CANCER What you sense and the way others are behaving will likely not fit together. You should not allow this to distract you from your own priorities because this mystery could go on for a while yet. You can mentally tune into all sorts of possibilities that could open up to you in the future but you need to be focussed on what you want.
LEO Interaction with others can be different to usual in a pleasant way. There could be someone who surprises you, stimulating you to think about the past and what could be possible to enjoy in the future. You could gain more recognition but with this can come increased expectations. Don’t be flattered into taking on too much.
VIRGO Your thought processes will become more solid and clear to the 24th May. Any need to think about the mystery of others or how they might affect you can disappear. You can become a lot more confident about what you want to do for yourself. You can also find your energy level improving in combination of feeling more optimistic.
LIBRA Something will seem more positive and that some luck is beginning to come your way for a change. If any opportunities arise for you to enjoy yourself, just go with the flow. It can take your mind off matters that still have some holding back effect connected to them. Others remain unpredictable. Try not to worry about it.
SCORPIO Activities involving others can take a turn for the better. You should not be left in any doubt as to what they think. All you have to do is ask the questions. Bringing an end to any situation you don’t feel is completely right for you should not be ignored as you begin a new 30 year personal cycle in October. Big changes ahead.
SAGITTARIUS Don’t be charmed into making adjustments or sacrifices for somebody else that doesn’t fully fit in with the way you think. This might test you to consider the importance of what have become your priorities in life. Your health could require extra attention to 24th May. Overindulgence and weight gain is also possible.
CAPRICORN Whatever you have been attempting to get organised since early March could now begin to fall into place. In some ways you will be able to see your wishes come true. You may not have really believed this is possible, so it could be a bit of shock to realise such luck can come your way. Will you want it as much as you thought?
AQUARIUS Your naturally independent, even rebellious streak can come to the fore. What will generate it more than anything else will be a desire for peace, pleasure and balance to play a solid role in the future. You need to turn thoughts of the last 2 months into putting some solid foundations in place because there is opportunity for growth.
PISCES It will be easier to turn your thoughts to yourself, effectively side stepping any influence that someone else may expect to have. You could also realise that they have been more focussed on their needs than yours. You should begin to feel happy in your own mind and this will generate a positive way of communicating.