The way you and another person have been viewing one another may not be completely real in some way. You need to be able to recognise the differences, while at the same time realise the way you support one another. This is necessary for things to function properly. It is your position that is the stronger of the two.
Only spend money on things that are really necessary or you could find yourself short. This could occur because of unexpected circumstances arising. Look into ongoing expenses associated with anything you consider purchasing as they could end up having a draining effect. Relax and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
Social involvement with friends or a group of people of the spur of the moment may seem opportune but can turn out a disappointment. You could then be annoyed at allowing yourself to be distracted from other things you planned to get done. If you stay with original plans you will gain great satisfaction with what you accomplish.
You will begin to feel your head clearing. This will enable you to be able to go ahead with decisions or the way will seem to open up to put your ideas in place from now until your birthday. Other people will have their own agenda, based on commitments. Your role might be more to assist them in not being fearful.
Attention will come your way especially if you find yourself in a position where you need to express what you believe in. You may also be challenged by somebody who does so with a show of confidence. They will retreat soon enough if you do not allow this to throw you off guard. Greater admiration of your position can arise.
You can now begin to move ahead with confidence with any actions you feel you need to take or new directions you have been trying to pursue. There is much you can accomplish from now to early July after all the hold-ups since late January. Look at this as a new 2-year phase you are putting into motion. Remain focussed.
Don’t be taken in by appearances. Pay attention to others while at the same time you must give them enough time to show the position they will, in the end, be prepared to take. There is an unpredictable element attached to them while you are looking for something secure and reliable. Things will move forward, but slowly.
You will begin to feel better and less restricted. Your clear objective will now be to get your priorities in place or organised. Things that have gone on since late January can influence some change in this area and encourage you to apply a different approach. It might also be that you will need to operate within a group.
Any confusion about your obligations or commitments can now be gone. Concentrate on your aims from now until early July and you can accomplish a lot. Someone else could prove draining in this time, if you are not careful. You may not be able to completely detach yourself but have to realise these are their lessons.
The desire to do your own thing in your own way can encourage actions that might be too quick. At the same time you are going into a period of reflection until mid September so a certain amount of caution will not go astray. Focus on where you want to see yourself in the long term and just what steps will be necessary for this.
Be cautious about any ideas somebody else has for your future as they may not be entirely realistic and can lean more on the side of benefit to them, rather than you. Whatever security you have established may not seem quite as exciting but it has stability at its basis. Your enjoyment is the important factor however different it is.
Actions other people take will now become more straightforward from now until early July. From this you can gain a greater sense of clarity up to mid April. This can lead to being more certain of the right decisions to make on a personal level. Don’t be tempted or talked into spending more money than you know you should.