Forecast Week Beginning 5th November 2012

29 October 2012

ARIES Dealings with others should be pleasant.  Your ideas will be well received, especially in relation to anything you believe needs to be broken down in some way.  Their communication will seem straightforward.  However be prepared for them to either change their mind or...

Forecast Week Beginning 31st October 2012

22 October 2012

ARIES Situations with others can suddenly become exciting and different.  This can include present relationships as well as new ones.  You might have changed more than you realise.  Whether this has longevity could be a different matter.  Changes can occur from mid November until...

Forecast Week Beginning 22nd October 2012

15 October 2012

ARIES You might want to act on visions for the future but daily necessities will have a distracting effect, especially if there are matters from the past that need clearing up.  Someone else can begin to project a degree of seriousness into your life...

Moon for December 2012

11 October 2012

Daily Moon Signs Time Used is South Australian Daylight Saving Time (ACDT) To convert to local time at any other location can be done on many sites on the Internet.  One I find easy to use is  – Any time over 12 hours...

Forecast Week Beginning 15th October 2012

8 October 2012

ARIES You can feel freed up and this can lead to greater insight where the future is concerned.  Not that you are in a position to do much about it at the moment.  Others are under pressure and could be super-critical of any big...

Moon for November 2012

2 October 2012

Daily Moon Signs Time Used is South Australian Daylight Saving Time (ACDT) To convert to local time at any other location can be done on many sites on the Internet.  One I find easy to use is  – Any time over 12 hours...

Forecast Week Beginning 8th October 2012

1 October 2012

ARIES Much will go your way to mid November.  You can gain insight into important future goals.  At the same time you need to ensure you are being realistic, especially when it comes to the involvement of others.  Much can be talked about and...

Forecast Week Beginning 1st October 2012

24 September 2012

This week Saturn, the planet of responsibility and commitment will change Zodiac Signs.  Saturn enters each of the 12 Zodiac Signs once every 30 years, in round terms, so this is an important change.  Saturn has been in Libra, where it settled in during...

Forecast Week Beginning 24th September 2012

17 September 2012

ARIES The Full Moon this week will occur in your sign, providing you with the opportunity to bring something to completion.  This could certainly turn out be a week you will remember but not necessarily in the way you expect.  You could be placed...

Forecast Week Beginning 17th September 2012

10 September 2012

ARIES What somebody else really thinks will begin to become obvious, ridding you of uncertainties.  It could stimulate you to become rebellious but it could also just give you a complete sense of freedom and independence.  This can produce a final turning point when...