Forecast Week Beginning 28th January 2013

21 January 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

You will need a lot of patience until mid March as your energy level lowers and the frustration level rises.  At the same time you can feel held back with no clear vision of a way forward.  Involve yourself in things that take your mind away from general daily matters and into another world.  That way you will gain useful realisations.

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Forecast Week Beginning 21st January 2013

14 January 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

The opportunity for more enjoyment than usual can arise quickly and pass away just as swiftly.  This might leave you feeling disappointed.  Obligations attached to somebody else can be the restrictive influence but this is something you just have to accept.  They expect something more serious than what you want to embrace.

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Moon for February 2013

13 January 2013 | Daily Moon Sign Positions

Time Used is South Australian Daylight Saving Time (ACDT)

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Forecast Week Beginning 14th January 2013

7 January 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

You can gain a sudden understanding of obligations attached to something that seems fun or pleasure.  What may not impress you is the detail that would need to be dealt with that was not obvious in the beginning.  Don’t feel obligated – if you feel you need to let it go or move on – do so.  Someone else’s desires are not yours.

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Forecast Week Beginning 7th January 2013

7 January 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

There could be conflict between what you consider important priorities and what somebody else expects thinks should be the case.  Both of you can be stubborn about this.  You will not be able to avoid some sort of commitment or obligation so it would be best to work out what you are prepared to compromise to be happy.

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Forecast Week Beginning 24th December 2012

17 December 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

I will not be writing Stars for this week as I am doing The Year Ahead for 2013.  This should be completed by the 31st December.

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Forecast Week Beginning 17th December 2012

10 December 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Get as many jobs out of the way as early as possible because all sorts of unexpected pleasurable situations can arise.  Your energy level will be easily drained if you have to cope with too much at once.  Be cautious about any promises you make.  Your intentions at the time can be good but you may have difficulty fulfilling them.

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Moon for January 2013

9 December 2012 | Daily Moon Sign Positions

 Time Used is South Australian Daylight Saving Time (ACDT)

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Forecast Week Beginning 10th December 2012

3 December 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

You have come to a turning point that involves your view of the long-term future.  You can begin to see any personal frustrations that have generated a desire to rebel in a different light.  New opportunities can arise that makes these things no longer valid, making you realise that life seems to sort out what will be in the end.

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Forecast Week Beginning 3rd December 2012

26 November 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Things will only work if you have taken care of the details.  Don’t try to push anything that refuses to fall into place.  Someone else’s desires could be interfering here and it means they have put a lot more planning into creating this resistance.  It is also more likely that your ideas have been broad and more futuristic that theirs.

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