Forecast Week Beginning 10th September 2012

3 September 2012

ARIES There could be some pleasant surprises that may involve social activity in some way.  You should accept any invitations that are out of the ordinary.  New people could come along with whom you have an instant rapport.  You would need to see how...

Forecast Week Beginning 3rd September 2012

27 August 2012

ARIES Doing things your way may not have the desired effect when it comes to others.  They want security with commitment in some way and may very well realise this is not your first choice.  Best to focus on things that can be enjoyed. ...

Moon for October 2012

23 August 2012

Time Used is South Australian Standard Time (ACST) South Australian Daylight Saving Time (ACDT) from 7th October   To convert to local time at any other location can be done on many sites on the Internet. One I find easy to use is –...

Forecast Week Beginning 27th August 2012

20 August 2012

ARIES Discussions with somebody else can go well, stimulating a sense of benefit, as well as perhaps getting the impression they accept or are impressed with what you say.  You cannot afford to leave it at that.  Matters will move on in some way. ...

Forecast Week Beginning 20th August 2012

13 August 2012

ARIES Consider any changes that have taken place with others since early July or any pressures you have realised you do not want to accept.  You are moving to a stage of finalisation from now to early October.  This may or may not be...

Forecast Week Beginning 13th August 2012

6 August 2012

ARIES There are new opportunities for you that have a degree of luck attached.  This could be easily missed if you are too focussed on the greater influence somebody else seems to have.  It is time you learned a different approach through discovering what...

Forecast Week Beginning 6th August 2012

30 July 2012

ARIES Whatever decisions you have been weighing up since April will now move to the more structured phase where you will be able to put things in order over the next month.  Ideas will seem to fall into place allowing you to move forward...

Forecast Week Beginning 30th July 2012

23 July 2012

ARIES Freedom, doing your own thing and being able to create what you enjoy will be your prime focus but other people could have different ideas.  Even if they agree on the surface you will know they are not happy.  Being prepared to talk...

Forecast Week Beginning 23rd July 2012

16 July 2012

ARIES Enjoyment will begin to outweigh most other things as an important priority.  You could also start to consider this from a new perspective, mainly because of pressure from others you cannot fully escape.  Much is connected to the way you accept this mentally. ...

Moon for September 2012

13 July 2012

Time Used is South Australian Standard Time (ACST)   To convert to local time at any other location can be done on many sites on the Internet. One I find easy to use is – Any time over 12 hours – means after...