Forecast Week Beginning 16th July 2012

9 July 2012

ARIES Actions somebody else takes could encourage you to react in an out of the ordinary manner.  It might also make you realise it is time to get rid of certain obligations or commitments that you have not been happy about in the past. ...

Forecast Week Beginning 9th July 2012

2 July 2012

ARIES You are moving into a personally reflective period that will last until mid December.  You need to learn to view the position you find yourself in as a whole.  You have a tendency to look at small stages.  This can involve home and...

Forecast Week Beginning 2nd July 2012

25 June 2012

ARIES The underlying frustration, coupled with matters not working as well as you had hoped that has affected you one way or another since late last year, will now finish.  Hard work without much recognition can be other experiences you have had.  There will...

Forecast Week beginning 25th June 2012

18 June 2012

ARIES Your determination to do things your way can create tension where others are concerned.  You should pay attention to their reactions.  Both you and they have things to learn about one another.  They are likely prepared to be more adventurous than you had...

Forecast Week Beginning 18th June, 2012

11 June 2012

ARIES That sense of controlling forces restricting the freedom you would like to have is back.  You are encouraged to think about your options, review the way connections to others have operated in the past so that you can find a new method of...

Moon for August 2012

8 June 2012

Daily Moon Signs   Time Used is South Australian Standard Time (ACST)   To convert to local time at any other location can be done on many sites on the Internet.  One I find easy to use is  –   Any time over...

Moon for July 2012

8 June 2012

Daily Moon Signs   Time Used is South Australian Standard Time (ACST)   To convert to local time at any other location can be done on many sites on the Internet.  One I find easy to use is  – Any time over 12...

Forecast Week Beginning 11th June 2012

4 June 2012

ARIES Perhaps unexpectedly, you can find yourself thinking about dramatically changing the habit patterns that have formed the basis of your life – this can include family.  It may also have connection to any obligations you have felt obliged to accept.  Life will be...

Forecast Week Beginning 4th June 2012

28 May 2012

ARIES Communication or agreements with others can start out crystal clear but then something can change, creating some doubt.  How things would be structured may not be clear.  Interference with home and family matters or routines already in place could be the case.  You...

Forecast Week Beginning 28th May 2012

21 May 2012

ARIES Watch your words.  You might think something is funny but somebody else won’t and it could end up causing argument.  Something from the past might need further discussion.  You are likely to feel it is a waste of time but the other person...