Forecast Week Beginning 11th June 2012

4 June 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Perhaps unexpectedly, you can find yourself thinking about dramatically changing the habit patterns that have formed the basis of your life – this can include family.  It may also have connection to any obligations you have felt obliged to accept.  Life will be full of activity and change to June 2013.  Many distractions may arise as well.

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Forecast Week Beginning 4th June 2012

28 May 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Communication or agreements with others can start out crystal clear but then something can change, creating some doubt.  How things would be structured may not be clear.  Interference with home and family matters or routines already in place could be the case.  You can accomplish a lot in the future.  Much detail is involved.

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Forecast Week Beginning 28th May 2012

21 May 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Watch your words.  You might think something is funny but somebody else won’t and it could end up causing argument.  Something from the past might need further discussion.  You are likely to feel it is a waste of time but the other person sees it as important.  Patience is the best way around this even though you won’t feel this way.

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Forecast Week Beginning 21st May 2012

14 May 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

It might be necessary to state your position clearly with someone else so that something becomes finalised.  Their tendency will be to keep things as they have been in the past.  You need to free yourself up so that you can move on with the next stage.  Handling things this way will result in becoming mentally liberated.

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Forecast Week Beginning 14th May 2012

7 May 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Details can be handled with great ease – you just have to be careful that you are not too lazy to do so.  There will be the opportunity to put your own ideas into practice although there needs to be willingness towards commitment.  Someone else could back off when it comes to accepting your plans.  They won’t expect this from you.

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Moon for June 2012

6 May 2012 | Daily Moon Sign Positions


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Forecast Week Beginning 7th May 2012

30 April 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Mentally, you can now move onto the next stage, after any matters connected to communication or decisions have gone back and forth since early March.  You can be more in tune in a practical way but must still be cautious of overlooking detail out of feeling impatient.  Others are willing to listen to what you have to say.

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Forecast Week Beginning 30th April 2012

23 April 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Mixed messages can occur between you and others.  For this reason you need to ensure that they have actually understood what you have said or they will involve themselves as you expect.  Details can be annoying to you and if you have not taken care of these things properly they can definitely cause you some problems.

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Week Beginning 23rd April 2012

16 April 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Things can suddenly make sense while at the same time give you a feeling of being fortunate.  Anything you have been trying to put together or sort out involving finances will also fall into place.  There can be some sort of finality attached to it.  You cannot escape having to take care of details but at least progress is being made

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Week Beginning 16th April 2012

9 April 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

You will have more luck, from now to 9th May with decisions you attempted to make during March that seemed to go nowhere.  What is really right could suddenly become clear as well as aspects that need to be left behind.  There could also be financial benefits or new opportunities that arise that were not evident before.

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