Forecast Week Beginning 15th October 2012

8 October 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

You can feel freed up and this can lead to greater insight where the future is concerned.  Not that you are in a position to do much about it at the moment.  Others are under pressure and could be super-critical of any big ideas you might have.  For this reason, think about which conversations are worth getting into.

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Forecast Week Beginning 8th October 2012

1 October 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Much will go your way to mid November.  You can gain insight into important future goals.  At the same time you need to ensure you are being realistic, especially when it comes to the involvement of others.  Much can be talked about and seemingly agreed to.  They could fall away from the whole thing at a most inconvenient time.

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Forecast Week Beginning 1st October 2012

24 September 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

This week Saturn, the planet of responsibility and commitment will change Zodiac Signs.  Saturn enters each of the 12 Zodiac Signs once every 30 years, in round terms, so this is an important change.  Saturn has been in Libra, where it settled in during July 2010, focussing the spotlight on Libra to take a serious approach to themselves and their life since then.  Big changes have likely occurred as well.

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Forecast Week Beginning 24th September 2012

17 September 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

The Full Moon this week will occur in your sign, providing you with the opportunity to bring something to completion.  This could certainly turn out be a week you will remember but not necessarily in the way you expect.  You could be placed in a reactionary position quite suddenly.  Think carefully about your response to this.

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Forecast Week Beginning 17th September 2012

10 September 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

What somebody else really thinks will begin to become obvious, ridding you of uncertainties.  It could stimulate you to become rebellious but it could also just give you a complete sense of freedom and independence.  This can produce a final turning point when it comes to what you are prepared to accept as obligations.

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Forecast Week Beginning 10th September 2012

3 September 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

There could be some pleasant surprises that may involve social activity in some way.  You should accept any invitations that are out of the ordinary.  New people could come along with whom you have an instant rapport.  You would need to see how this would impact on already established obligations.  Let time take its course.

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Forecast Week Beginning 3rd September 2012

27 August 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Doing things your way may not have the desired effect when it comes to others.  They want security with commitment in some way and may very well realise this is not your first choice.  Best to focus on things that can be enjoyed.  To venture into what they really think or expect can be too complex for you to want to bother with.

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Forecast Week Beginning 27th August 2012

20 August 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Discussions with somebody else can go well, stimulating a sense of benefit, as well as perhaps getting the impression they accept or are impressed with what you say.  You cannot afford to leave it at that.  Matters will move on in some way.  This could place you in doubt about their true position.  You will need to pay careful attention.

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Forecast Week Beginning 20th August 2012

13 August 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Consider any changes that have taken place with others since early July or any pressures you have realised you do not want to accept.  You are moving to a stage of finalisation from now to early October.  This may or may not be your choice but can’t be changed.  You will seek opportunities providing pleasurable communication

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Forecast Week Beginning 13th August 2012

6 August 2012 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts


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