Forecast Week Beginning 20th May 2013

13 May 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

You can feel agitated and find it difficult to pin down exactly why.  It will have some connection to either pressures or obligations that limit your freedom.  It may be more about the way you think about this than whatever it is you need to cope with.  There is something necessary about it and once you accept this you can feel free.

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Forecast Week Beginning 13th May 2013

6 May 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Think of something different to do that doesn’t cost a lot of money.  Just don’t put yourself in situations that cost because you will end up spending more than you plan.  Life can become hectic in the next 2 weeks.  You need to remain focussed otherwise your attention will be going in all directions, accomplishing little.

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Forecast Week Beginning 6th May 2013

29 April 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Your finances will likely require greater focus or attention, especially if your spending has been out of the ordinary lately.  If you are prepared to take a practical approach and stick to it then stabilising things should not be too difficult.  The boredom of it all could get you restless – you need to be strong with temptations.

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Forecast Week Beginning 29th April 2013

22 April 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Thoughts or decisions you have been toying with in the last 2 weeks now move to the next stage.  You need to more rely on how you feel about things.  Because of practicalities, something might have to be dropped.  You could also realise that you do not have the support that you might have presumed you did – frustrating you.

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Forecast Week Beginning 22nd April 2013

15 April 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

You need to think about what you have learnt from the circumstances that have taken place in your life since mid March.  You could have been so focused on your own matters that you have not taken enough notice of things going on around you.  Pressure can mount from the expectations of others that you didn’t see coming.

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Forecast Week Beginning 15th April 2013

8 April 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

You could begin to see the events that have taken place in your life since mid March from a different perspective, now that Mercury, the decision maker, has moved into your sign, where it will stay until 2nd May.  Be very cautious about making impulsive decisions this week, especially if there is an element of wanting to be rebellious.

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Forecast Week Beginning 8th April 2013

1 April 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

The New Moon occurs in your sign this week, joining Mars and Venus.  This is excellent for establishing new directions when it comes to situations involving yourself and others.  They are prepared to agree with your suggestions but it would be wise of you to wonder if they are really happy, or it could cause problems later.

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Forecast Week Beginning 1st April 2013

25 March 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Somebody could be more willing than you realise to blend in with you and do things your way.  You are in the stronger position.  They will not let you know that and they will hide any insecurity they have.  You need to carefully look into where you stand, what you want as well as considering the responsibilities that come with them.

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Forecast Week Beginning 25th March 2013

18 March 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

You will have your own plans and intentions but there will be other people to contend with, meaning you might be forced to make some adjustments.  Being impatient is something you will likely have to deal with.  Don’t get so annoyed that it blocks your vision to the true situation.  You can be accident prone – pay attention

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Forecast Week Beginning 18th March 2013

11 March 2013 | Weekly Star Sign Forecasts

Much more will begin to go your way.  Be careful of acting too quickly, however tempting.  Venus will move into your sign until 15th April requiring you to find a balance in all things.  This is in contrast to moving swiftly ahead.  So you have the choice of either carefully considering first or then having to do so with the results.

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